My quirky life
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today went and took x-ray and had check-up...but before that, an announcement.

I would like to thank you, Xul, for giving me that final push needed for me to make my blog public. Thanks. I sort of feel now? hahahahaha. Well, that's that.

Baaaack to the topic. I had my X-ray today. Went to the clinic that my family have been seeing for a looong time. And that we haven't went to see for a loooong time. (good for us, bad for him) Checked this, that, blood pressure, eyesight, etc, etc. Then he gave us the address of where we were to get x-ray.

Go there ady, need to wait summore. Wait for them to call my name. Waiting, waiting, i see one uncle damn kesian. He came out of the CT Scan room la. He was wheeled out in one of those stretcher thingies. They wheel him till the entrance of the radiology department (where me and my family were in for me to get x-ray) and they left him there! While they (the nurses, staff, etc) went off to settle the documentation and all, they left the old guy there! Well, after a while, i din really notice he was still there, coz i needed to turn my head like more than 90 degrees to look at the entrance.

After I got my x-ray (the process itself was pretty quick), he was still there! Only after a while, as i was waiting for the x-ray...result or something..u know, the smooth x-ray thingie that u see docs put on bright boards in tv, the old guy finally got wheeled out. Well, I got my x-ray result soon after.

Aand...that's that! My check-up/x-ray adventure. Here's the pic of the day :

The gigantic envelope that houses my x-ray result. The words are pretty small, but u can see the words 'imaging department' at least.

Well, that's all folks! Till next time~

8:20 AM

Friday, June 5, 2009's really hot today. I mean, sweltering hot. It's like, a free sauna right in your living room. Even when the fan is on at max power. A sure sign of global warming?

2:40 AM

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Okay! New skin is up and running! Actually, the old skin was alright, but people were getting misunderstandings that there was some sort of 'secret meaning' behind the skin and all that, so i had to change it. Besides, the cbox wasn't working all that well in the old skin. Now, in this new skin, it works perfectly well! So here's to my new skin!

P.S. There, you happy man? Made all the fonts BIGGER just for you, you know! Wahahahahhaa

9:59 AM

Monday, June 1, 2009

This is a really nice song..from the drama Honey &'s called Canvas

The lyrics (in english)

One of these days when we'll meet again I will wave my hand, your smiling face will be forever burned in my mind.
"That's it, eh?" was the response on my face, I wonder if I can smile well and convincingly?

Although I still can't hand over the ball with "I love you" written on it,
My heart scatters, tumbles, and tickles.

Even if things can't remain like this, and are drifted away from here on,
It'll never change, it'll never be soiled, our only canvas.

Because I am looking, searching, and walking for the "sorry" uttered in your response.

Although the words "I love you" that were written on the ball are fading,
I have no strength to throw it away nor the will to cast it aside.

Within the passing time, underneath the ever-changing sky,
It'll never be forgotten, it'll never be parted, the bond will surely become stronger.

Scattered easily like the clouds, unreachable like a rainbow,
It'll never return, it'll never be soiled, our blue canvas.

Whether it is love, dream, or the last train, I ran after them in confusion.
When I grasped your hand, you said "it hurts".
Whether it is love, dream, or the last train, they were all alive.
When I saw your eyes, it's true that I'm always speechless.

Even if things can't remain like this, and are drifted away from here on,
It'll never change, it'll never be a lie, the two of us were able to meet now.
As free as a bird, lonesome like the wind,
It'll never return, it'll never be soiled, the tears-covered canvas

...nice song, has a touching melody...i mean the tune and all...well, that's all from me this time...till next time~

8:57 AM


❤ whee.

Me, myself and I

I'm Jack. Jack Flash.
Age 19.
An ordinary guy who lives an ordinary life and faces ordinary problems.

Utter nonsense

my friends


my past

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

March 2010

A big thank you

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

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